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RTA12 Series Rotary Tillers

42 & 50: 15-40 HP, 58 & 60: 20-50 HP, 74: 25-60 HP, 82: 30-60

The Land Pride RTA1242, RTA1250, RTA1258, RTA1266, RTA1274 & RTA1282 Rotary Tillers till soil for seedbed or planting preparation and have uses in applications such as residential landscaping and gardening. The offset capabilities allow the tiller to work closer to objects such as fence lines, buildings, or trees. Operator can control the tilling depth with the adjustable skid shoes. A 15" rotor swing diameter turns the soil over faster, and enables deep tilling action. NOTE: Quick-Hitch may require a longer drive-line, which is available through Land Pride Parts.